As the fastest, most powerful, and aesthetically pleasing of all motorised vehicles, motorcycles are a real thrill to ride. But they’re also practical for getting around town, or touring long distances, and can carry a lot of stuff. So what are the different types of bikes, and why do people choose to ride them?
At its simplest, a motorcycle is just an engine with two wheels, steering, and a place to sit. It works by using a gasoline-powered engine that converts reciprocating motion into rotary motion, and uses a transmission system to move the output of the engine backwards through a gear to turn the rear wheel, which then moves the motorcycle forward. The front wheel steers, and is controlled by the rider with a pair of hand levers and foot pedals.
Riding a motorcycle requires skill and training, and riders should always be aware of the laws in their area. Some states even require that you take a rider course before getting your license, and many riders wear protective gear for safety. However, the best safety system of all is the one between your ears: you can learn to be a safe and skilled rider with proper training.
The majority of traffic accidents that occur on the roads involve motorcycles, especially in low- and middle-income countries. There are several factors that contribute to these crashes, including the rider’s speed, alcohol consumption, drowsiness, and inattentiveness. Moreover, the lifestyle of the motorcyclists also affects their risky driving behaviour, which leads to the road accidents [34]. Therefore, it is essential for motorcyclists to avoid dangerous situations by following certain safety tips.