Traveling and hotels are two industries that go hand in hand; almost every person who is travelling to a different location overnight will require somewhere to sleep. This can be a hotel, hostel, apartment, or even a cabin or tent depending on the individual’s needs, the purpose of the trip, and their budget.
The majority of travelers in the 21st century start their vacation planning by using the internet to research their destination and lodging choices. They will visit sites like Google, TripAdvisor, and Yelp to search out customer reviews of the best hotels in their destination city or town. After sifting through mountains of thumbs up and down and star ratings a shortlist is made. Next the hunt for bargains begins; a few clicks and button presses later, the room is booked, and the credit card details entered.
Some travelers choose to stick to certain hotel chains for loyalty points and a sense of consistency and familiarity when they are away. Others opt for boutique hotels or smaller accommodation options which have a particular theme and more bespoke qualities. Some also look for extra amenities, such as spas or pools, to add a touch of luxury to their stay.
A lot of the time the choice will come down to a matter of cost; accommodation that is closer to tourist attractions and cities will often be more expensive than those further out, and if the facilities on offer are premium then this may also reflect in the price. Another consideration is the length of the stay; for long stays a hostel or apartment could be more suitable than a hotel, as they can usually be booked for a longer period of time and will have kitchen facilities.